Hah..this is the story about young man, who get 2A in his spm...what the f@$%!...hahaha...gumbira pown ade gak dpt kpm...biarpun org len pegi matrix...lantak r...aku dpt ape yg aku minat...huhu...actually, aku dapat American Degree...for forensic...tp memandangkan subjek yg diambil adalah math-statistic...fuh...mati aku...math dpt $%$%%...x fail taw! aku mula egt nk pg dah amerika..memandgkan kos dye macm nk gadai tanah je...huhu..mkn ikan kering aku..MARA nk support??sdor la diri, aku dpt bpe kert A..tu sebab ak repeat math, sng g mne2..dapatla somethg yg memuaskn..(krdt,huhu)...huh, cm dapat A je...pdahal krdt...hahah.. aku mlgkh ke kpm....pnuh girang, bdebor...huhu..sume ade...sgn pon ade...naik tngga...bpk tnggi...kuros aku..haha...nsb bek aku kt sini....byk menda aku dapat... dn

aku melalui hdup yg pnuh suka duka... suka ade.. duka pon ade... byk aku blaja.... byk aku tahu... byk aku kenal... tapi....
satu yg aku terpaksa tinggal...
P/S: aku di kpm...kemunculan awal......botak...huhuhu...konon nk lupekn kisah lampau....hehe

aku melalui hdup yg pnuh suka duka... suka ade.. duka pon ade... byk aku blaja.... byk aku tahu... byk aku kenal... tapi....
satu yg aku terpaksa tinggal...
P/S: aku di kpm...kemunculan awal......botak...huhuhu...konon nk lupekn kisah lampau....hehe
wah!!! OMG~ i soo know what you feel about being a poser and everything!!
ReplyDeletebob, no matter what the world says: "you are beautiful, in every single way, words can't bring you down"
and it is true, no matter where anyone is, there will be only one Kamal Bukhari, and that is YOU!! the greatest you that this world will ever see...
go BOB!!! n___n