The scariest word for human ; FAT! This happened to me...hahaha...from toddler until teenager, that is my problem. i know, many "HEALTHY"(badan sihat, the word for jage aty org bdn bsar) person had low self-estimate...felt down, give up. yeah thats what happened to me...
Sometimes, they do not want to join the community(bersosial lar) coz they felt that they dont have a same level with the other person....and of course, they might have problem to make special relationship....LOVE!MARRIAGE!
arghhh..Bored,asyik ckap bi jek...berbelit otak aku...huhuh...actually poyo je lebeh aku nie..grammar tunggang langgang...berikut adalah situasi yg senantiasa dihadapi oleh org yang "SIHAT" nie:
1. "Ok murid2..hari ni kita akan adakan lumba lari..sume pelajar wajib buat...no excuse"...i think you know what they feel...
2. (SMS VERSION) "hai leh jumpe?" "boleh, kite jumpe kat taman ek" after a few minutes.."eh, u ke yg knal ngan i dlam sms?" "haah, knape?".."nothing....."(sambil wanita itu berlalu pergi)....understand?? think about it,,,
3. NOTICE BOARD>>> Syarat untuk bekerja disini adalah berpengalaman, berumur 18-30, MEMPUNYAI RUPA PARAS YANG CANTIK.....berperwatakan menarik...
4. cube ko tgk tong drum tu...macam familiar je...hari2 aku tengok...tapi kat mane ek??(sindiran seorang rakan kepada rakannya yng duduk di sebelah...huhu
these were the situations that happened to fatboy,fatgirl....fat man, fat woman..blalalalala...habis, siapa mereka disisi masyarakat?? hina??huhu...dulu aku pown rase cam tu gak...skrg pown ade gak...heheh
my mother said, "u don't have to worry about u'r face and your body...just study hard, and u will get good job..then people will love u..." hahaha...aku nak glak pown ade..tp ckp mak jgn tolak...nanti dapat bala...
my brother said to me" u need to exercise man...u must try to improve ur self...dont give up"...motivation....tp berapi seminggu je..pas tu makan byk jgk...negatif tol pemikiran...
ape yang nak disampaikan disini sebenarnya???
atau aku hanye mengarot??
atau aku hanya meminta simpati??
jauh sekali.....aku tulis ini dari hati aku......
ape yang aku lalui
ape yang dia lalui
ape yang mereka lalui.....
FAT PERSONS.............
ReplyDeletethe question here,are you comfortable with your body? if yes, juz ignore all the things that other people said.
if not, find a way that make you comfortable with it. if it needed you to lose weight, than lose a weight.
but the most important thing is be your true self.
thanx ya...huhuhu....
ReplyDeleteko kene kuat..
biar gemok..
klu x xkan mira boley layan ko?
walaupon die sakitkan ati ko..
ko rilek je..
member kan ade..